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Chosen Starting Point


I have chosen the 1800s to be my first starting point as it is a large open theme with a lot of variety on creating new ideas. Also it contains a lot of topics that I am personally interested in such as Napoleon, old-fashioned culture and piracy. A lot of my concepts and ideas so far have been very modern day so it will also be a welcomed challenge for me to create ideas that revolve around these times. I look forward to exploring this topic.

Exploring Starting Points...

To get started with selecting my theme I created a spider-diagram. From this I sprouted off my two favourite topics, which were superheroes and pirates, and then from there added whatever topic and ideas came into my head. This was a good method in creating ideas that flowed naturally to me and are all originated from my favourite two interests.


I then highlighted the themes that interested me the most and that I thought would create unique and interesting outcomes. Then out of my selection I narrowed it down to five and then from there chose my favourite one which I decided was the 1800s. I will start exploring this theme first and then see where I go from there.

Exploring Possible Outcomes...

 I created a mind map on all the possible specialisations I could focus into for my final outcome. I did this so I have a constant reminder on all my options and don't miss any possibilities out as I think over my ideas for this project. I have also listed artists that I have researched in the past next to each of the areas that I could link and use for future inspiration for my ideas.

Piracy is an act of robbery or criminal violence at sea. Those who engage in acts of piracy are called Pirates, that is the true definition. Pirates were sort of dying out now in the 1800s but they still existed and they were one of the main reasons why I wanted to research this theme as they are a main interest of mine. The true golden ages of Pirates were around late 1600s - early 1700s. 

Piracy is an act of robbery or criminal violence at sea. Those who engage in acts of piracy are called Pirates, that is the true definition. Pirates were sort of dying out now in the 1800s but they still existed and they were one of the main reasons why I wanted to research this theme as they are a main interest of mine. The true golden ages of Pirates were around late 1600s - early 1700s. 

Piracy is an act of robbery or criminal violence at sea. Those who engage in acts of piracy are called Pirates, that is the true definition. Pirates were sort of dying out now in the 1800s but they still existed and they were one of the main reasons why I wanted to research this theme as they are a main interest of mine. The true golden ages of Pirates were around late 1600s - early 1700s. 

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